Just the Tasks

AS92004: Create a computer program 

AS92004 Programming Task

All contexts

All the contexts use the same assessment for AS92004. This is done as the first part of most course

AS92005: Develop a digital technologies outcome

Website Outcome

Develop a Website

Audio Visual Outcome

Audiovisual Development Log

Game Outcome

Game Design Development Log

Electronics Outcome

Electronics Development Log

Database Outcome

Develop a Database

3D Modelling Outcome

Develop a 3D Asset

Web Application Outcome

Develop a Web Application

AS92007: Design a technologies outcome (external)

Website Design

Design for the Web Task

Game Design

Game Design Document

Audio Visual Design

Storyboarding Document

3D Modelling Design

Design for 3D Task

AS92006: Demonstrate understanding of usability in human-computer interfaces

External Exam

This is set for Monday, 25th November at 9.30am.

There is a complete teaching and learning guide including a practice exam for using as a derived grade assessment on the techquity page HERE

Contact us at techquitynz@gmail.com if you have more questions or post on DTTA's Mobilize platform